This presentation is for anyone that has a song in their soul and a spirit that moves. “Even if you don't call yourself a dancer or an artist,” say April Quast, “I hope that my art can bring you to feel that the world dances through us as well as around us.”
“Through my art, I empower possibilities. In dance, so much of what the audience experiences is improvisation…a reaction to the music, energy and emotion at a given moment. We’ll talk about the artist’s perspective and how developing confidence in your style, and a willingness to bend the rules is just as important as practicing your skill.”
April will discuss how she draws inspiration from the small details of beauty that embellish the world. As you experience her work, try to go beyond finding the legs, arms, and heads of the figures. Instead, contemplate the influence of the energy involved in shaping the figures. Where does the figure end and the energy begin? What connections and energies are choreographing the movements you see before you?
She will introduce you to her process and discuss how to approach your art with soul. It is when you create from your inner-most-you, your thoughts, your feelings, your actions, and your heart, that you create art.
This presentation is free and open to the public.